JobRunr Pro Beta

Multi-Cluster Dashboard

One Dashboard to rule them all, One Dashboard to find them, One Dashboard to bring them all and from the database bind them.

When running multiple JobRunr clusters (i.e. different applications running on separate JobRunr tables), it becomes tedious to monitor all the different dashboards. The Multi-Cluster Dashboard is here to make this task easier.

The Multi-Cluster Dashboard provides a unified view of multiple JobRunr Pro clusters (i.e., independent schedulers). We designed it to be as easy to use as possible. In fact, from a user perspective, it has the same feel and set of features as the regular JobRunr Pro Dashboard, with a few additional markers to quickly distinguish between clusters.

We often use the shorter Multi Dashboard to refer to the Multi-Cluster Dashboard.

Architectural overview

The Multi Dashboard connects to all other clusters, either via a running JobRunrDashboardWebServer, or directly via a StorageProvider. It then collects the results and presents them to the user using the same UI and feature set as the regular JobRunr Pro Dashboard.

Below is a schematic overview of how this works:

The Multi-Cluster Dashboard Context Diagram.

As shown in the diagram, instead of connecting to each dashboard for routine monitoring, a user can go directly to the multi-dashboard. The MultiClusterWebServer takes care of polling each cluster for data and running some filters to meet the user’s request (e.g., serving the data in a certain order or setting a limit). The web server can be made aware of a cluster to query either at configuration time or at runtime via auto-discovery. See the Configuration section for more information.

Zooming in on the above blue “JobRunr MultiDashboard” block, we see the system in effect:

The MultiClusterWebServer Container Diagram.

As the diagram shows, the Multi Dashboard is smart enough to handle different types of data providers; it can connect directly to the database or send requests to a REST API.


Multi-cluster web server


  • Add jobrunr-pro-dashboard-multi-instance as a dependency.
  • JDK 21 or higher

⚠️ The package jobrunr-pro-dashboard-multi-instance is planned to be renamed to jobrunr-pro-multi-cluster-dashboard.

Web server setup

Bootstrapping the Multi Dashboard works in the same vein as bootstrapping any other JobRunr cluster: it starts with a set of configuration parameters, and then you call start().

var multiClusterWebServer = new MultiClusterWebServer();

The above shows a setup of a MultiClusterWebServer with all default configuration. The dashboard can be reached by visiting localhost:8000 but wouldn’t do much.

The MultiClusterWebServer takes up to two parameters for more advanced configuration:

  • MultiClusterWebServerConfiguration to configure the web server (e.g., authentication, hostname, port number, etc.).
  • MultiClusterConfiguration to statically configure the different clusters to query from.

The MultiClusterWebServerConfiguration provides the same configuration as the JobRunrDashboardWebServerConfiguration with the following optional extras:

  • andQueues(): Allows to provide the names for the priority queues that will be displayed on the Dashboard.
  • andApiKey(): A shared secret used to secure the communication between the multi-cluster server and single cluster.
  • andClusterConnectionTimeout(): The maximum amount of time the multi server will wait on a cluster before aggregating the results back to the user. Default: 30 seconds.

The MultiClusterConfiguration allows to specify the clusters to query from at configuration time. Users have the option to specify multiple StorageProviders to query or multiple REST APIs to connect to (or a combination of both).

You may choose to not provide this configuration and instead use auto-discovery to register clusters at runtime.

Below is a more advanced configuration:

var multiClusterWebServer = new MultiClusterWebServer(
                .andHost("localhost", 8000)
                // .and(...) more config (see MultiClusterWebServerConfiguration's API)
                        new StorageProviderClusterConfiguration("Accounting", provider1),
                        new StorageProviderClusterConfiguration("Human Resources", provider2)
                        new RestApiClusterConfiguration("Order fulfillment", "")

Running this example will start a web server reachable at http://localhost:8000/multi/dashboard. The MultiClusterWebServer will serve requests by querying the two with StorageProviders (i.e., provider1 and provider2) and one JobRunr cluster web server at

We expect the Multi-Cluster Dashboard to be deployed as a standalone application (e.g., inside a docker container). Therefore we require the use of JDK 21 or higher and internally use Jackson for JSON serialization needs.


Providing the MultiClusterConfiguration at boot has the advantage of not having to expose any dashboard servers. However, if you have multiple clusters deployed in Kubernetes pods where new clusters are dynamically spun up and down, you may want to enable our auto-discovery feature where a cluster announces itself to the multi-cluster web server.

The only thing to add here is andAutoDiscovery() at the JobRunr Pro cluster dashboard configuration:

        // .use... your usual config
            // .and... your usual dashboard web server config
            .andAutoDiscovery("", "my-api-key", "Order fulfillment service")

That’s it! As soon as the above cluster has booted, it’ll announce itself and communicate its URL to the MultiClusterWebServer.

⚠️ We pulled the apiKey configuration out of the auto-discovery configuration. In the next release this configuration is changing from .andAutoDiscovery("", "my-api-key", "Order fulfillment service") to andApiKey("my-api-key").andAutoDiscovery("", "Order fulfillment service").

Note: if provided, the API-Key needs to be shared by both servers.

For alternative auto-discovery configuration see the API of JobRunrDashboardWebServerConfiguration.


The Multi-Cluster Dashboard supports the same user authentication schemes as a regular JobRunr Pro Dashboard. The only way to authenticate server-to-server communication is to configure shared API keys. Once configured, servers pass the key along with each request. A valid API key provides full access to all the endpoints.

Due to the nature of these exchanges, we recommend using HTTPS.

Working with the Multi Dashboard

By default the dashboard provides an integrated view of data from all the clusters. For instance, this allows to search without first having to find out which cluster an item is located on. If not for a few markers, the experience is almost the same as using the regular dashboard. The below gif showcases the use of the Multi-Cluster Dashboard.

Usage of the Multi-Cluster Dashboard.

You can perform any action you’re used to issuing from the JobRunr Pro Dashboard: triggering recurring jobs, requeueing jobs, stop servers, etc. On the overview page, a new card also displays the current number of clusters discovered, and how many of them are currently online.

Filter out clusters

You may want to isolate a few clusters. As the below gif shows, the Multi Dashboard comes with a button on the top right that shows all currently discovered clusters where you can filter on specific ones.

Filtering on cluster in the Multi Dashboard UI.

This filter remains persistent, so on your next visit, you’ll view the clusters you isolated.