
You can choose to configure JobRunr using our Fluent API or use the Spring Starter, Micronaut integration or the Quarkus extension.

Once you have configured JobRunr, various beans and helper classes are available. The most important you will use, are:

  • JobScheduler: a bean that will allow you to enqueue and schedule jobs using Java 8 lambdas
  • JobRequestScheduler: a bean that will allow you to enqueue and schedule jobs using instances of the JobRequest interface. For each JobRequest an appropriate handler should be created.
  • BackgroundJob: a helper class that wraps a JobScheduler and has static methods to enqueue and schedule jobs using Java 8 lambdas
  • BackgroundJobRequest: a helper class that wraps a JobRequestScheduler and has static methods to enqueue and schedule jobs using instances of the JobRequest interface.
  • BackgroundJobServer: the server responsible for managing and processing jobs