5 minute intro
Get started quickly using these easy examples and our comprehensive documentation!
Take a look at our example projects:
We have different example projects on GitHub that help you start:
- https://github.com/jobrunr/example-spring
This repository is the most simple example with Spring integration. It exists out of a backend module and a frontend module with a shared module containing the background job. The frontend module enqueues new background jobs which are being processed by the background module. - https://github.com/jobrunr/example-salary-slip
This repository contains an example on how to generate a lot of salary slips each Sunday evening using a recurring job. - https://github.com/jobrunr/example-salary-slip/tree/kubernetes
Do you want to scale and get the processing done faster? In this example we use Terraform to define infrastructure as code and setup a Kubernetes cluster with 10 instances of JobRunr. More info? See also the accompanying blog post.
There are also other example projects available - you can find them here: https://github.com/jobrunr?q=example
Or follow along!
The complete example below can be found here: https://github.com/jobrunr/example-fluent
Add the JobRunr dependency to your project
Using your build tool of choice, add the dependency to the following artifact:
- groupId:
- artifactId:
- version:
Choose your storage system and configure JobRunr
Use the InMemoryStorageProvider
(or any other DataSource or supported StorageProvider) and pass it to JobRunr:
.useStorageProvider(new InMemoryStorageProvider())
Start enqueueing jobs!
BackgroundJob.enqueue(() -> System.out.println("Simple!"));
And monitor them
Using your browser, go to the JobRunr dashboard located at http://localhost:8000/dashboard.
JobRunr would not have existed without some other projects and I want to give them credits.