
The architecture and terminology behind JobRunr

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JobRunr architecture

How does it all work?

  • You can enqueue, schedule or schedule a recurring background Job using the JobScheduler.
  • The JobScheduler analyses and decomposes the lambda to a JSON object and saves it into the StorageProvider.
  • JobRunr immediately returns to the caller so that it is not blocking
  • One or more BackgroundJobServers poll the StorageProvider for new enqueued jobs and process them
  • When a job has been processed, it updates the state in the StorageProvider and fetches the next job to perform



At the core of JobRunr, we have the Job entity - it contains the name, the signature, the JobDetails (the type, the method to execute and all arguments) and the history - including all states - of the background job itself. A Job is a unit of work that should be performed outside of the current execution context, e.g. in a background thread, other process, or even on different server – all is possible with JobRunr, without any additional configuration.

BackgroundJob.enqueue(() -> System.out.println("Simple!"));
Instead of calling the method immediately, JobRunr serializes the type (System), static field (out) and method name (println, with all the parameter types to identify it later), and all the given arguments, and stores it as Json using a StorageProvider. It will then later be processed by a BackgroundJobServer


A RecurringJob is in essence a Job with a CRON schedule or a fixed interval. A special component within JobRunr called the ProcessRecurringJobsTask checks the recurring jobs and then enqueues them as fire-and-forget jobs when the time has come to run the job in question.

Storage Provider

A StorageProvider is a place where JobRunr keeps all the information related to background job processing. All the details like types, method names, arguments, etc. are serialized to Json and placed into storage, no data is kept in a process’ memory. The StorageProvider is abstracted in JobRunr well enough to be implemented for RDBMS and NoSQL solutions.

This is the main decision you must make, and the only configuration required before you start using the framework.


BackgroundJob is a class that allows to enqueue background jobs using static helper methods - it in fact delegates everything to the JobScheduler. You are completely free to choose how to enqueue background jobs - either using the static helper methods in the BackgroundJob class or either directly on the JobScheduler class. It may help readability but can make things more difficult to test.


The JobScheduler is responsible for analyzing the lambda, collecting all the required job parameters, creating background jobs and saving them into the StorageProvider. This process is very fast and once it is stored in the StorageProvider, it returns to the caller immediately.


BackgroundJobRequest is also a class that allows to enqueue background jobs using static helper methods - it in fact delegates everything to the JobRequestScheduler. You are again completely free to choose how to enqueue background jobs - either using the static helper methods in the BackgroundJobRequest class or either directly on the JobRequestScheduler class. It may help readability but can make things more difficult to test.


The JobScheduler is responsible for transforming a JobRequest together with its internal data to a background job and save it into the StorageProvider. This process is very fast and once it is stored in the StorageProvider, it returns to the caller immediately.


A JobRequest is an interface that allows to create a background job. It can contain extra data that also will be serialized and will be saved into the StorageProvider. When you implement this interface, you will need to provide the JobRequestHandler-class which will process your JobRequest.

public interface JobRequest extends JobRunrJob {
    Class<? extends JobRequestHandler> getJobRequestHandler();


A JobRequestHandler is an interface that that will be used to run the background job during job execution. As a parameter, it will receive the JobRequest and can thus access all data that was provided when the job was created.

Job annotation

The @Job annotation allows you to manage certain aspects from a Job like the name and the label (visible in the dashboard), the amount of retries and various other aspects like the queue, the server tag and the mutex if you are using JobRunr Pro.


The JobBuilder is an alternative to the @Job annotation and also allows you to configure all the different aspects from a Job. The difference is that using the JobBuilder certain aspects can be set at runtime which is not possible via the @Job annotation.


The BackgroundJobServer class processes background jobs by querying the StorageProvider. Roughly speaking, it’s a set of background threads that listen to the storage provider for new background jobs, and perform them by first de-serializing the stored type, method and arguments and then executing it.

You can place this BackgroundJobServer in any process you want - even if you terminate a process, your background jobs will be retried automatically after restart. So in a basic configuration for a web application, you don’t need to use any Windows services for background processing anymore.

Remark 1: You should have always 1 BackgroundJobServer running as it is responsible to see whether any jobs need to be processed.
Remark 2: You should have only 1 BackgroundJobServer per application / JVM instance. If you want to process more jobs or you want to distribute the jobs over multiple JVM’s, you must launch a complete new instance of your application. Starting multiple BackgroundJobServers within the same JVM instance is bad practice and should NOT be done.


Most enterprise applications make use of an IoC framework like Spring or Guice - we of course support these IoC frameworks. The JobActivator is a Java 8 functional interface and has the responsability to lookup the correct class on which the background job method is defined.

public interface JobActivator {
    <T> T activateJob(Class<T> type);
Given a class, the JobActivator must return a instance of that class that is completely initialized


The JobRunrDashboardWebserver gives insights in all jobs that are enqueued, being processed, have succeeded or have failed. You can see on which BackgroundJobServer a background job is being processed, the current state it is in and in case of a failure, have a look at why it failed. The dashboard exists out of a React frontend and makes use of a REST API.


The JobMapper is used to serialize and deserialize the job to Json as all jobs are stored in the StorageProvider as Json. It uses the JsonMapper underneath and has some utility functions to serialize a Job and a RecurringJob.


The JsonMapper is the abstraction layer above either Jackson, Gson or Json-B. It is used by the JobMapper and the JobRunrDashboardWebServer to map domain objects like Job and RecurringJob to json entities for the REST API.


The JobFilter allows you to extend and intervene with background jobs in JobRunr. There are several types of JobFilters:

  • JobClientFilter: filters that are called before and after the job is created
  • JobServerFilter: filters that are called before and after the processing of the job
  • ElectStateFilter: a filter that decides the new state based on the old state
  • ApplyStateFilter: filters that are called when a state change happens within a job


This is a default filter of type ElectStateFilter and is automatically added for each job which is run by JobRunr. When a job fails, the RetryFilter will automatically retry the job 10 times with an exponential back-off policy. Is some API server down while processing jobs? No worries, JobRunr has you covered.


If access is needed to info about the background job itself (like the id of the job, the name, the state, …) within the execution, the JobContext comes in handy. Using it is simple: if you use Java 8 lambdas you just need to pass an extra parameter of type JobContext.Null to your background job method and at execution time an instance will be injected into your background job method. If you use a JobRequest then it is available as a default method on JobRequestHandler interface.

Note: that this is best avoided as it couples your domain logic tightly with JobRunr.

BackgroundJob.enqueue(() -> myService.doWork(JobContext.Null));
When executing the doWork method of myService, JobContext will be available