
JobRunr supports both SQL and NoSQL databases

JobRunr stores the job details for each job using a StorageProvider and supports all major SQL databases and NoSQL databases.

Important: you will need to add the correct dependency (jdbc-driver) for each of the databases below.

SQL databases

Setting up an SQL database is easy-peasy because you probably don’t need to do a thing!

Running MySQL or MariaDB? Make sure your connection string is setup that it UTC timestamps correctly.

Sit back, relax and let JobRunr do the work for you!

By default, JobRunr will automatically create the necessary tables for your database. Just like Liquibase and Flyway, it comes with a database migration manager that manages the database for you.

Setting up the database yourself

If however you do not want to give the JobRunr DataSource DDL rights, you can easily create the tables JobRunr uses yourself using one of the following methods:

Run the DatabaseCreator

The DatabaseCreator class allows you to create the necessary tables using a terminal. You must provide a user that has DDL rights.

java -cp jobrunr-${jobrunr.version}.jar:slf4j-api.jar {jdbcUrl} {userName} {password}

If the command succeeds, a confirmation message will be shown.

Apply the SQL scripts yourself

To generate the sql scripts for your database so you can apply them yourself, use the following command (the files will be generated in the current directory):

java -cp jobrunr-${jobrunr.version}.jar:slf4j-api.jar {databaseType} ({tablePrefix})

Once you created the tables, you can configure JobRunr as follows (when using jobrunr-spring-boot-starter, this is not necessary):

    .useStorageProvider(new DefaultSqlStorageProvider(dataSource, DatabaseOptions.SKIP_CREATE))


JobRunr also supports a table prefix which will prefix all tables with a custom prefix. This comes in handy if you want to specify a schema for your tables. Please notice the delimiter between your schema and table has to be added manually.

Example configuration for a Spring Boot Starter:

org.jobrunr.database.tablePrefix: MY_SCHEMA.

NoSQL databases

  • Mongo - JobRunr will create a database called jobrunr and all the necessary collection to save all Jobs and Recurring Jobs automatically for you
    • use the MongoDBStorageProvider - JobRunr supports all Mongo versions from Mongo 3.4 and up.

    Note: if you’re using a MongoDB cluster it is important that JobRunr reads from the primary node as otherwise you will encounter ConcurrentModificationExceptions. The reason for that is that MongoDB needs to replicate updates to the other nodes and JobRunr is often faster than that in which case it receives stale data.

  • Amazon DocumentDB - JobRunr will create a database called jobrunr and all the necessary collection to save all Jobs and Recurring Jobs automatically for you
    • use the AmazonDocumentDBStorageProvider

    Note: if you’re using a Amazon Document DB cluster it is important that JobRunr reads from the primary node as otherwise you will encounter ConcurrentModificationExceptions. The reason for that is that MongoDB needs to replicate updates to the other nodes and JobRunr is often faster than that in which case it receives stale data.

  • InMemory - JobRunr comes with an InMemoryStorageProvider, which is ideal for testing and for lightweight tasks that are server-instance specific and where persistence is not important. Note that if you use the InMemoryStorageProvider, you can not scale horizontally as the storage is not shared.
    • use the InMemoryStorageProvider for in-memory support
  • ElasticSearch - JobRunr will create the necessary indices to save all Jobs and Recurring Jobs automatically for you. They will be prefixed with jobrunr_
    • use the ElasticSearchStorageProvider together with a RestHighLevelClient

    Note: the ElasticSearchStorageProvider is deprecated and will be removed from JobRunr 8.

  • Redis - JobRunr will create all necessary datatypes (Strings, Sets, Hashes, … ) automatically for you. You can choose out of two implementations:
    • either the JedisRedisStorageProvider which uses Jedis.
    • and the LettuceRedisStorageProvider which uses Lettuce. If you use this StorageProvider you also need to add a dependency to org.apache.commons:commons-dbcp2 as the Lettuce driver is not thread-safe when using Redis Transactions.

    Note: the LettuceRedisStorageProvider and JedisRedisStorageProvider are deprecated and will be removed from JobRunr 8.